Showing posts with label cat breeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat breeds. Show all posts


Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds

The many breeds of cats vary greatly in appearance. Cat breeders have developed numerous breeds by se­lectively mating animals with certain desirable and distinctive characteristics. These characteristics appear consistently in the offspring of purebred cats. A pure­bred cat is one whose mother and father belong to the same breed. The offspring of cats that have mated ran­domly are known as crossbreds or alley cats. 

cat breeds

Many people prefer the special features of a certain breed of cats. For example, such purebreds as the Abys­sinian and the Birman are among the most beautiful and unusual animals in the world. But crossbreds may be just as beautiful and lovable as purebreds. 

Certain associations officially recognize cat breeds and establish standards for the ideal characteristics of each breed. However, different cat associations recog­nize different breeds, and breed standards also vary somewhat. In the United States, cat breeds are com­monly divided into two major groups: short-haired breeds and long-haired breeds. 

Short haired breeds. 

Most cat associations in the United States commonly recognize 10 short-haired breeds. They are the Abyssinian, American shorthair, Burmese, Havana brown, Japanese bobtail, Korat, Manx, Rex, Russian blue, and Siamese. 

Abyssinian is a slender, muscular, medium-sized cat with a long, tapering tail. Aby cats, as they are some­times called, have a rounded, wedge shaped head and large, pointed ears. Their almond-shaped eyes may be green or gold. These cats are known for their melodic voices and their agouti coat pattern, which is common in wild animals. Each hair of an Aby's soft coat has two or three bands of alternating light and dark colors. The coat may have red and chocolate bands, or reddish-brown and black or dark brown bands. 

Abyssinians have been bred in Ethiopia (formerly called Abyssinia) for thousands of years. Many people believe the quiet, graceful Aby is descended directly from the sacred cats of ancient Egypt 

American shorthair, also called the domestic shorthair, is the best known breed of cats. American shorthairs resemble many alley cats but are purebreds. The American shorthair is a muscular, medium to large sized animal. Its large head features full cheeks; a broad, squarish muzzle; large, round eyes, and rounded, medium-sized ears. The coat and eyes may be any color. The breed probably developed from cats originally brought to the American Colonies by Europeans. The British shorthair is similar to the American shorthair but is stockier and has a thicker coat. 

Breed Organizations 

Recognition and acceptance of a breed usually must come from an established group of cat fanciers. Groups of breeders and other persons interested in showing cats have formed organizations to establish rules for shows and standards by which cats can be judged at the shows. They also keep stud books and validate the registration papers needed for purebred cats. In most countries there is only one organization that acts as the governing body. 

In the United States, there are many, each of which sets its own judging standards and rules. The two largest of these are the Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc., and the American Cat Fanciers Association. In Canada the governing body is the Canadian Cat Association. 

In most parts of the United States there are many organizations to which persons interested in cats may belong. Some of these are affiliated with national associations, but many arc strictly local clubs that invite the participation of anyone in the neighborhood. Membership in the large clubs usually consists chiefly of breeders and owners of purebred cats. Such organizations serve as clearinghouses for disseminating information about specific breeds, giving members’ advice about breeding methods, and helping establish standards for breeds. 

Most of the organizations conduct shows in which competitions for champion ships are held. Cat fanciers take their animals to vie with others in their breed or class for top honors. No purebred cats may also be shown in the household-pet class. These cat shows are extremely popular, and in a large one there may be more than a thousand cats entered for competition.


A Cat Tree Keeps Your Pet Occupied And Happy

A Cat Tree Keeps Your Pet Occupied And Happy

No one wants to come home after a long day at work to find their sofa shredded by sharp claws along with picture frames and other items knocked off of shelves and onto the floor. By adding a cat tree to your house, you will be not only keeping your cat occupied and happy but also be helping to protect your possessions from damage. Here’s a fast introduction to one pet playground every feline owner needs to check out.

Cats Have Unique Needs

Keeping your pet in an environment where they don’t have access to a place for burning off their natural energy is not just unfair, but can also end up causing both you and your cat serious frustration. Kitties need to be able to climb, play, scratch and explore just like they would if they were living outdoors and if they don’t have somewhere to do so your couch, shelves, counter tops, and book cases will most likely be used as a substitute. This can end in disaster as not only can it be dangerous but many owners end up giving away their cat thinking that it is out of control, when all their pet really needed was their own spot to for their unique yet normal cat behaviors.

A Cat Tree Keeps Your Pet Occupied And Happy

These Trees Are Better Than The Real Thing Outdoors

A cat tree is the simplest way to keep your feline busy. These are free-standing units that offer everything cats could dream of in the outdoors but of course designed to be used safely inside the home. They have multiple posts to be climbed and perches to be explored and slept on. Pets love to be high up giving them the feeling they are snoozing just like a wild cat would up in a tree. Plus, these trees unlike real ones normally include scratching posts to keep claws in great condition and curb the urge to scratch expensive furnishings. Many also include attached toys to keep kitty busy for hours on end with no mess involved.

Don’t Be Afraid To Go Big

Even though the average tree is full of fun, there are choices for owners who want to literally take it up a notch. A tall cat tree allows cats who love to climb the chance to go even higher while only taking up the same footprint as ones which are much shorter in height. This is fantastic as it makes a smart use of vertical space that otherwise would remain un-used. For even more activities and larger places to hide, sleep, and play a cat tree condo is the preferred choice for pampered pets whose owners want to keep them as satisfied as possible. These are a bigger and more intricate type of cat trees which are well known for tiring out and then providing your pet with a range of places to take a nap.

Responsible cat owners know that keeping their felines busy means keeping them happy. A cat tree will help keep your belongings from becoming the focus of your pet’s attention by giving it the ultimate multi-level playground. By adding one to your home, you’ll instantly be transforming your space into a cat friendly environment that is safe and fun.
For your complete guide on how to find the best cat tree for your pet be sure to visit: The Pet Street Mall.

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