
Dental Care for Cat

Dental Care for Your Cat’s Gums and Teeth 

The signs of healthy cat teeth are easy to spot. Does kitty have white teeth? Does she have any damaged or broken teeth? Do the gums look healthy? And now, the big question: How is your cat's breath? If she smells like she needs mouthwash, we have a problem! 

 Anatomy of the Mouth Cat Dental Anatomy

Cat mouth anatomy
Take a close look at your cat’s mouth: You’re looking at one of nature’s most fearsome killing machines. Domestic cat teeth aren’t that different from that of a big wildcat. Look into a lion’s mouth and you’ll see remarkably similar teeth. You might not see them for long, but you’ll notice the resemblance before you’re swallowed. 

 An adult cat has thirty teeth, and they’re all specialized. See those long canines that frame the front of the mouth? They’re for holding prey and killing it. They’re also designed for tearing flesh. The small incisors between the long canines are for ripping flesh from the food. Further back in the mouth you’ll find premolars and molars. Cats don’t chew food as we humans do. Their molars cut food down into chunks small enough to swallow. The teeth are embedded in jaws attached to powerful muscles. 

 Cat Health Problems and Teeth 

Why bother worrying about your cat’s teeth? Because good dental care can add years to the life of your cat. Unfortunately, cats with irreparable dental problems may sometimes have to be put to sleep.  

That’s an extreme example, of course. Most cat health problems that arise from improper dental hygiene are less obvious. Bacteria from the mouth can travel through the blood stream to almost all parts of the feline body, causing heart, kidney, and liver problems. Dental health problems in cats could be compared to high blood pressure in humans: It's a silent disease that may only become apparent after some degree of damage has been done. 

 Bad Breath and Health 

Snuggle up to your cat. Bring her face up to yours. Bring her mouth close to your nose and take a sniff. Do you smell pleasant, sweet breath, or did you just pass out from the stench? If so, you’ve just become a victim of Cat Bad Breath. Now, before you go running to the pet store for the kitty equivalent of mouthwash, you should know that bad breath can indicate some pretty serious health concerns. 

 Note that the odor might be the tuna you fed Fluffy immediately before you checked her breath. (In other words, don’t check your cat's breath immediately after she's eaten canned food.) 

A bad odor could come from anything from minor gingivitis to advanced gum disease. Infections in and around the teeth and gums, often from tartar accumulation, are probably a leading cause of pet bad breath. Hopefully, all that your cat’s bad breath indicates is a need for some routine dental care and then a regular program of home maintenance. 

Bad breath can indicate other serious health concerns. Burped up gas can point to a number of stomach and metabolic problems. One of the more serious possibilities is kidney failure. While most of us think of this in terms of the other end of the cat, urinary health, including kidney disease, can be indicated by unpleasant breath. 

Look for these additional indicators: 

  • bad breath; 
  • excessive urination or frequent attempts to urinate; 
  • straining in the litter box; 
  • increased drinking; 
  • weight loss; 
  • urinating outside of the litter box; 
  • vomiting; 
  • a sudden lack of interest in grooming; 
  • lethargy. 

The toxins normally eliminated by the kidneys build up in the blood stream and are detectable in the breath. Many veterinary experts believe that bacteria from the mouth gain access to the blood stream through diseased gums, resulting in bacteria being deposited in vital organs such as the heart and kidneys. 

For a cat, bad breath is reason enough for a trip to the vet’s to rule out any serious conditions.


How to wash your cat?

How to wash your cat?

Everyone knows that cats absolutely hate water, so why on earth would someone want to bathe their cat? Well, although cats don't enjoy paddling in the swimming pool with their doggie pals, they still can get just as dirty or flea-infested as dogs. There are times when there is just no other option besides giving your cat a bath. As long as you do not bathe your cat more frequently than once a month, you will not damage his hair or skin.

How to wash cat

Before you begin bathing your cat, you will need to gather a few supplies. At the minimum, you will need two absorbent terry cloth towels, a pet-safe shampoo, a pet-safe conditioner, a sponge, and a sprayer attachment for your sink or tub. If you don't have a sprayer attachment, you should have a pitcher or large cup that you can use to scoop clean water over your cat's body. Ideally, you should also have a non-skid mat to help your cat feel more secure.

Read more - How to wash your cat


Scratching Post That You Could Ever Make For Your Cat

Scratching Post That
You Could Ever Make For Your Cat

A cat's need to scratch is just as important as its need for oxygen. This is one area that new cat owners fail to understand. Your cat must scratch (he NEEDS to scratch) and it is your duty to provide something that your cat can paw at whenever he wants to. Basically, your cat should have what is called a “scratching post”.

When shopping for a scratching post it is very important to find one that is sturdy and is made of material that your cat enjoys scratching. And remember, you do not want to go to cheap when it comes to a good scratching post because your cat will literally scratch away an inexpensive post that you will have to replace with more money. It is best to spend a little more now and have it last for a while. A stable scratching post is vital because you do not want the structure to come crashing down on your cat or even worse, your glass table or that antique vase your grandmother gave you.

Scratching Post That You Could Make For Your Cat

When it comes to the material that the scratching post will be made of, in my personal experience it is best to go with sisal. Sisal is a rope-like natural covering that is extremely popular with cat owners. It is very similar to a carpet that is not too shaggy but is made of loops that cats absolutely love to paw at.

Most scratching posts that are sold in standard pet stores are typically very small. Standard posts stand less than 3 ½ feet tall. Most are vertical yet some come in a horizontal structure. I myself actually made a 6 foot tall scratching post that sits nicely in the corner of my living room. It is very sturdy and in between the vertical pole I have a 4 foot pole that goes across horizontally, kind of like a cross. These poles are wrapped in sisal. This cross-shaped scratching post allows all three of my cats to enjoy crawling up, hanging out, and scratching away on a tall perch. 

If you're not as handy as I am when it comes to building stuff, you can find yourself a nice cat tree that is specifically made for this purpose. They are tall and are built with a top perch which enables the cats to look down as they relax and scratch away in their own little sanctuary. This type of scratching Post also gives a cat somewhere to go when he wants to be alone. You can also place dangling cat toys from the perch and other areas of the post which will give hours upon hours of fun and freedom for your pets.

Dental Care for Cat

Dental Care for Your Cat’s Gums and Teeth  The signs of healthy cat teeth are easy to spot. Does kitty have white teeth? Does she have ...

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